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10″ Field Cultivator (202-10-5)


Field Cultivator 10″ 5/16″ Thick 47° Shank Angle 1 3/4X7/16 COIN ON TOP

Field cultivators make their appearance in the spring and fall, preparing for planting or cleaning up after harvest. Use for soil layer break up, weed-control, trash burial, and fertilizer incorporation.

Part # 10″ Field Cultivator (202-10-5)
Category Agriculture
Type Field Cultivator Sweeps
Attachment Method Bolt-on
Crown Height Standard
Wing Profile Parallel Wing
Size 10”250mm
Thickness 5/16”8mm
Shank Angle 47°
Hole Spacing 1 3/4"45mm
Bolt Size 7/16”11mm
Product Category Empire 47° Shank Angle, Empire Bolt On Sweeps, Empire Field Cultivator Sweeps

Call: 306.721.9292